Ice Rinks and Ice Rink chillers

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A few Questions:

1. I am modeling an ice arena with one ice rink in the main zone. I know
that the ice skating keywords available to DOE-2 cannot be utilized through
eQuest, but I included them in the input file anyhow to effectively model
the ice rink "behind the scenes". This has worked thus far: the SIM report
includes an annual load report for the ice rink (RS-I) and the CHW loop
reflects this load. However, the attached chiller does not appear to see
this load and thus does not use any energy to meet it.

Has anyone tried this before and have any advice? I will assume that raw
DOE-2 would work and that trying this behind eQuest is the problem, but I
just want to try anyhow.

2. Does anyone know of a source for Chiller performance curves for a chiller
capable of handling ice rink conditions? The loop temp is ~ 21 F and I have
not ben able to locate any performace curve data for this type of chiller

3. I have tried to extract the DOE-2 zip file from the website to my C:\ but
I get prompts demanding passwords (password protected files) for all of the
included files. I have looked at the Installation and Execution instructions
and I think I'm following them correctly, so am I missing something?


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