IBPSA Newsletter Vol 29 No1

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IBPSA World Newsletter

Vol. 29 Number 1

The IBPSA News Volume 29 No 1 is now available at www.ibpsa.org. Features include:


BLDG-SIM celebrates 20 years!

Bill Clinton was president, people were concerned about Y2K, and the first Blackberry had just been released. The date was March 4, 1999, and Jason Glazer posted his first message
on the newly created BLDG-SIM mailing list...more on page 7


with IBPSA USA?s president Dru Crawley on page 5


with Petra von Both and Andreas Wagner on research at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) on page 9


BS 2019 conference update

With information on keynote speakers, accepted abstracts, sponsorship, modelling competition, and many other items. More on page 16


? from IBPSA affiliates in Scotland, England, Netherlands + Flanders, and the Nordic countries


? Software news about EQUA, DesignBuilder, ClimateOneBuilding.Org, and HIT2GAP
? 12 conferences and other events for your diary

Christina Hopfe2's picture
Joined: 2014-01-29
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