IBPSA Newsletter Vol 26 No 1

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Dear Building Simulators!
The IBPSA News Volume 26 No 1 is now available at www.ibpsa.org
Features include:

? Notes from Building Simulation 2015 including all award winners; results from the modelling competition; and IBPSA new Fellows Class of 2015

? Interviews with Jason Glazer, the man behind BLDG-SIM; Vishal Garg and Jyotirmay Mathur from research institutes in Hyderabad and Jaipur

? Software news about new climate data from Climate.OneBuilding.Org; research under IEA Annexes 60 and 66; DesignBuilder; IESVE; and a proposed new ASHRAE working group on occupant behaviour

? A position paper and interview with the JBPS best paper 2015 award winners Clarice Bleil de Souza and Simon Tucker

? Global community news from IBPSA affiliates in Argentina, Australasia, France, Korea and the USA

? IBPSA related events, e.g. 14 conferences and other events for your diary
A big thank you to all those who have contributed to the News!
Happy reading!

Christina Hopfe


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Joined: 2016-04-13
Reputation: 600