How have you approached...

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I have a precedent question for everyone... this is not a "how to"
procedural question for any particular software, but to simply feel out
what has worked for others in the past:

Here's a quick description of the situation at-hand: a VAV terminal
unit with a "normal" minimum damper position (say, 30%) is tied by relay
to the space occupancy sensor, which also controls the lights. Upon
sensing space vacancy, the minimum airflow damper position is reset to
0% (airflow is permitted to stop, provided thermostat temperature set
point is satisfied). Upon sensing occupancy, the preset minimum damper
position is restored.

For LEED/USGBC-reviewed energy models, can anyone relate success in
modeling this or a similar energy-saving behavior in the proposed model,
distinct from the baseline? If so, what approach did you use to model
this behavior and/or quantify the energy savings?

I was discussing the possibilities with some colleagues and have a few
ideas for approaches that might all be justifiable, ranging from simple
(and quick) to complex (and time-consuming).

There are likely multiple "right" answers here, but I am hoping to
identify some precedent to understand what we can anticipate the LEED
reviewership will accept.

Thanks in advance!


Nick-Caton's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 805