How do I set Fan schedule To only meet loads?

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Hi all,

How do i set the fan schedule to only be on when cooling or heating demands are required?

In DD edit, fan schedule... I can only put "0" or "1"... if i put "0" then the system is off and never Cools or Heats when heating or cooling is needed.

When I put "1" the fan is always on even when no heating or cooling is needed.

As a result for some hours I would get the fan running when the AC/Heater is off.

I am currently forced to put "1" for all hours for fan schedule...

this ensures my AC/Heater will heat/cool the room when it is needed. But during idle hours... the Fan is using power to run according to "fan power consumption" output...

What value should i put in the fan schedule besides "0" or "1" to fix this problem?


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