FW: Help

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First, a caveat: I typically do modeling for commercial/institutional
projects, so my assumptions are likely to be different from yours.

eQuest shows the DHW loop as closed, so no worries. The important thing is
to be confident in the DHW loop process load number and the other parameters
you've used for the circ loop and DHW heater.

There is only a small amount of gas burned in January for two reasons that I
can see:

You have the baseboards set to thermostatic control, which means they are
the first stage of heating. Only when space heating loads are not met by
the combination of baseboards and internal space heat gain will the furnace
add heat.

You have entered fairly significant internal loads, gas cooking stoves for
one. The model doesn't appear to have any exhaust, and transfers all of the
cooking heat to the space. If there are kitchen exhaust fans, some portion
of the heat will be transferred out of the space.

Some things to look at:

Your DHW HIR value - are you confident in this number?

Double check your schedules

DHW circulation pump

DHW process load

Gas stove heat output, sensible/latent ratio, & proportion transferred to
the space?

Double check your schedules

Are your baseboard valves 2 way or 3 way?

Do your space setpoints match your heat and cool schedules?

Furnace system night cycle control is set to off. Probably should be on?

Why is the furnace schedule off during the day?

The roof appears to have no insulation. Correct?

Double check your schedules (notice a trend?)

Have a look at your .sim files to get a sense of what is going on.


Steven Savich's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 200