FREE OpenFOAM & High Performance Computing Seminar at Loughborough University

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An Introduction to OpenFOAM and High Performance Computing
8th June 2015- School of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University
The OpenFOAM? (Open Field Operation and Manipulation) CFD Toolbox is a free, open source CFD software package which has a large user base across most areas of engineering and science, from both commercial and academic organisations. OpenFOAM has an extensive range of features to solve anything from complex fluid flows involving chemical reactions, turbulence and heat transfer, to solid dynamics and electromagnetics. It includes tools for meshing, notably snappyHexMesh, a parallelised mesher for complex CAD geometries, and for pre- and post-processing. Almost everything (including meshing, and pre- and post-processing) runs in parallel as standard, enabling users to take full advantage of high performance computing facilities (HPCs).
This seminar provides a glimpse into the world of OpenFOAM and HPC and is intended to demonstrate the capabilities of OpenFOAM as well as offering advice on getting started to those who have never used OpenFOAM. The cost of this seminar is free but numbers are strictly limited. To book a place, please email Jackie Overton (J.Overton at

Chair Malcolm Cook, Loughborough University
14:00 ? 14:30 Coffee and registration
14:30 ? 14:40 Welcome and Introduction-Malcolm Cook (Loughborough University)
14:40 ? 15:10 OpenFOAM: origin and applications-Gavin Tabor (University of Exeter)
15:10 ? 15:40 Building external flows: Experiences with OpenFOAM Simon Rees and Rallou Dadioti (De Montfort University)
15:40 ? 16:10 Multiphase Simulation for Vehicle Surface Contamination Dr Mehriar Dianat and Dr Andrew Garmony (Dept. Aero and Auto Engineering, Loughborough University)
16:10 ? 16:40 Stadium Design in Hot Climates Mutlu Ucuncu, Arup
16:40 ? 17:00 OpenFOAM in commercial practice Hrvoje Jasak, Wikki Ltd.
17:00 ? 17:30 Discussion, networking and demo by Hrvoje Jasak

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