Flat part load curve for Chiller

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Dear All

For our district cooling project, we require flat part load curve for the
air cooled screw chiller.

I played with curve coefficient in two ways

(1) A=1, B=0, C=0
With this, Ratio of cooling energy from SS-D and BEPU, is not giving entered

(2) A=0, B=1 , C=0

With this, Ratio of cooling energy from SS-D and BEPU, is giving approx
entered COP.

What is exact way to create flat part load curve in eQuest.
With Thanks and Regards,
Praveen K. Jain

Praveen Jain's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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Sambhav and Praveen:

Recently I see both of you were asking about "flat" curves or curves
that would always return the same value (1.0) to be multiplied against
the modified input (EIR).

Trying to do this in the raw data method might be possible, but it might
not be either... the math involved in those regressions is something I
can only briefly comprehend in short bursts =).

What I can offer is - this sounds pretty simple if you define the
coefficients directly instead!

For example:

Bi-Quadratic: Z = a + bX + cX2 + dY + eY2 + fXY

If you want the value returned to always equal 1.0, just choose
coefficients that make the variables X and Y not matter!

[b = c = d= e = f = 0], and set [a =1].

Does that help?



Nick-Caton's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 805

As Praveen pointed out --

setting a = 1 means the compressor will draw full power regardless of
the part load.

setting b = 1 and a = 0 means the the compressor COP will be the full
load value for all part load conditions. (slope = 1)

bfountain's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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