This data is way better than I can get, Aaron. I don't know the CFMs
these fans move, but for me it is normal to see the smallest H.P. for
the smallest 1.5 / 2 ton fan coil at 1/5 H.P. Seeing something lower
than that would be a godsend. Who made these fans and how much air do
they move? Typically the fan coil manufacturers that I work with don't
bother giving fan H.P. (listed on your chart as Motor H.P.?) but rather
jump right to the motor nominal H.P. which is always higher.
But I agree with you regarding amps. Typically the amps are much higher
than the corresponding H.P. for unknown reasons. Startup current?
I also note that your data has higher watts at higher voltages in some
cases, for unknown reasons, along with "peak" watts at 208/230 in other
cases. I can't explain that.
Thanks for sending this, but if you can identify the manufacturer and
the product, I would be very grateful.
Robert Wichert P.Eng. LEED AP BD&C