Exhaust fans in appartment

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I'm modeling an apartment building that has toilet and bathroom exhaust,
and mechanical supply. Make-up air comes from trickle vents.
(Side note: the corridor has mechanical supply, much higher than 62.2 at
0.6 CFM/ft?, and no exhaust whatsoever, so I expect *some *makeup air
would come from there too, but I'm prohibited to capture this effect...)

I have been thinking about the best way to do this: whether I should assign
this to a zonal exhaust fan (EXHAUST-FLOW) or whether I should specify the
CFM exhausted as an outdoor air flow (OUTSIDE-AIR-FLOW).
I think the OUTSIDE-AIR-FLOW would be the least problematic if I only had
to deal with the baseline, but in my proposed building I only have
baseboards for heating, so this wouldn't work.

First, Am I correct in the above statements?

Second, if I do specify an exhaust fan in the following way:
EXHAUST-FAN-SCH = "Fraction Always 1 Yr"

(I'm also defining exhaust systems like this for mechanical rooms in my

Will eQuest actually take into account that it (he?) should add 50 CFM of
outside air (through infiltration) as a load? Will eQuest also take that
into account for the sizing of my zonal equipment?

Finally, will it interact in any way with the infiltration defined under
Internal Loads for the Space?

Thanks for any clarifications you can offer.

Julien Marrec, EBCP, BPI MFBA
Energy&Sustainability Engineer
T: +33 6 95 14 42 13

LinkedIn (en) : www.linkedin.com/in/julienmarrec
LinkedIn (fr) : www.linkedin.com/in/julienmarrec/fr

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