error: Thermal Zone 'zone-24TRAS' MULTIPLIER: Expression Evaluation Error

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I'm trying to open a project in eQUEST after modifying some SPACE inputs
in the inp. The model runs fine before, but I get these errors
afterwards. The thing I don't understand is that I'm only modifying the
Spaces part of the inp file, NOT any systems/zones.

The error: MULTIPLIER in Zone-24TRAS has Expression Evaluation Error:
Invalid BDL Reference

It comes up for a total of 110 out of 459 zones.

Once in eQUEST, I can see that the "Floor Multiplier (ratio)" and
"Multiplier (ratio)" inputs are blank for the zones with the error,
while the rest are defaulted to "1" for both inputs. I can override the
blank ones to "1" but cannot release them to default at "1."

If anybody has any ideas, they'd be much appreciated. I can send files
upon request, but I'm hoping somebody has run into this before and can
provide some guidance.


Greg Collins

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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