eQuest_Model water cooled heat pump and series chiller

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Here is a system description:
----Cooling source: 1-six chillers divided to three groups, the chilled
water temp is 16C/11C and then 11C to 6C.Together with six open cooling
2-two water cooled screw heat pumps(with CH2OH.CH2OH as refrigerating
medium), with two closed cooling tower.
----Heating source: two water cooled screw heat pumps described above.There
do not have any ground souce system, so it seems that the closed cooling
tower is the heating source, although I do not quite clear about its
working theory.

My model way:
---Cooling system: due to some complex project scheduling issues, we can
not have the single chiller curve (Ref:
) So just model it as the common system, with chilled water temperature
---Heating system: model as "heat pump" in equest with lake/well loop and
ground loop heat exchanger. Get flow rate from .sim output, and enter the
power(closed cooing towers plus pumps) as process load in equest.

Well, I understand this may be not the best way, but I would like to hear
from you if any of you have better ideas.

Best Regards,

Fiona You

fiona.you at cn.bureauveritas.com's picture
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