Chilled Water Modeling - Secondary Condenser Water Loops

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Hi Everyone,

I am having difficulty setting up this part of my model & looking for some direction. Pls be forgiving as I?ve never seen this design before (likely very common though!). I?ve attached the chilled water schematic.

This hospital has a modular chiller (CH-1,2,3) that serves the bldg?s cooling needs with the exception of the AHUs. I?m good on that side of things.

On the condenser side, a secondary condenser loop serves terminal reheat and there are also dry coolers that serve the condenser loop. First off, just want to confirm I know how this system works. Please correct me if I?m wrong.

So the chiller is working to provide cooling to the bldg. On the condenser side, one secondary loop provides reheat as required. The dry coolers provide additional cooling to this loop as required. Is it as simple as this? Please provide any or all insight that you can!

If I am correct on how this system works ? if so, any suggestions on how do I model it? It does not look like I can add two secondary condenser loops attached to a chiller.

Darryl Kasun

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