Modeling Chilled Beams in Equest

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Hello all,

I am simply trying to run a quick comparison on energy consumption in a 60,000 sq foot, 5 level building. The Baseline Building system is as follows: VAV 30% Reheat AHU, Water Cooled Chiller 250 Tons, w/ Cooling Tower, Hot Water Reheat w/ hot water boiler. Option 1 includes: 100% OA AHU w/terminal air and reheat, Chilled Beams: 2 pipe chilled water, Hot Water Boiler w/hot water reheat. The baseline building was easy to model up to obtain energy consumption, but option 1 proves to be a bit more involved. Can anyone explain how to model chilled beams in equest, as well as any information on the 100% outside air unit modeling? All I need out of these models is a comparison in energy consumption nothing more.


Dwight Pederson EIT

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