missing zones

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When drawing zones in the DD Wizard with a CAD background imported, I finish defining the zones and go back to screen 2 of the wizard. At this point the final 4-6 zones I defined do not show up in the white and grey image of the footprint and zones. Is there a maximum number of zones that can be defined in a shell? (I was up to ~80 zones on this floor of 120,000 ft? and have reduced it to 65; either way, any zones I add do not show up on screen 2.) Two screen shots are included below.

If I delete the "last" zone on the Zone Definition screen, save the zone changes, and go to screen 2, a zone 4-6 zones prior is no longer shown on the white and grey image. I could continue to describe the intricacies of the problem, but if you've experienced this, you probably don't need further explanation.

Is there a fix for this? It is especially bizarre because I defined several floors after the one that's giving me trouble and had no issues. Any help is greatly appreciated.


James D. Waechter, P.E., LEED A.P.

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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