Meters with Zeros in PS-B Report

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Hello All,
I am modeling solar PV system and combined heat & power (CHP) in the attached model. I have assigned electric meter to the solar PV system, electric meter to the excess of the solar PV system production and electric meter to the CHP. I have also assigned a fuel meter to the CHP.?
When I run the simulation and go to the simulation report PS-B I find that all these meters have zeros for all the months. Also in report PS-C, there are zeros for the solar system and the CHP productions. However, when I assign the eQUEST default electric meter EM1 to the solar PV system and the default EM1 and FM1 to the CHP, I get the production of electricity in report PS-C for both the solar PV system and the CHP.
Can anybody help me out and let me know why I am getting zeros when I assign meters other than the eQUEST default meters? The files of this model are attached for your review if you have time.
Thank you very much for the help.

Ahmad Fraij's picture
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