DOE 2.3 - VRF custom curves

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Good day everyone,

I've been looking at the new VRF capacities of DOE 2.3 and tried coming up with custom VRF curves to match the specifications of my VRF units but I'm having some problems.
DOE 2.3 curves are function of saturated suction temp (SST) and saturated discharge temp (SDT) - However the specifications I have are functions of Outdoor DB and Indoor WB, and I'm not exactly sure how to translate these DB / WB temps into SST / SDT. Seems to me I'm missing something here.

I've looked at the guide made by Florida Solar Energy Center - it seems fine for EnergyPlus since its curves uses Outdoor DB and Indoor WB. But it doesn't gives any insight on DOE 2.3 (or at least I didn't catch any).

I've also looked at Maddox's presentation on VRF - There's a slide that says that E+ and DOE 2.3 curves uses the same parameters and are interchangeable but I don't really understand the "how" of it.

So general question goes as follows:

- Did anyone have success in creating custom VRF curves for DOE 2.3? If so, would you be so kind as to share the method?

- If not, does everyone simply uses the library curves, whatever the VRF model may be?

Thanks in advance for the insights,

[Bouthillette Parizeau]
Patrick Lapierre_ing. BEMP
D?veloppement durable et Efficacit? ?nerg?tique
plapierre at | | t: 5143833747x2807

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