Existing Building - New Windows

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I've been scouring the archives for answers, but did not find my exact scenario.

I have a 10 story dormitory that was built in the early 60's. We're looking to submit the building to LEED. We're removing the existing 2 pipe FCU system serving the perimeter rooms as well as an AHU that conditions the core spaces for the whole building, with a 4 pipe FCU system along the perimeter rooms (natural windows via operable windows) and an AHU for the core spaces in the building.

A couple questions, the architect is replacing all the windows in the building. Since the proposed case windows will be what we're designing to, what windows do I use for my baseline...existing as it stands today or the ASHRAE minimum found in Table 5.5?

The architect is also adding metal panels to portions of the building to dress it up, how do you go about adding the metal panels (UNINSULATED) to the existing wall used in the baseline?

Thanks for helping!

Amy Harmon

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