Dear eQuest users,
I'm a novice eQuest user who is looking for some help regarding a project. I've used these forums to help gain knowledge of the program and how to make sense of it for my own work; however, the learning curve has been steep.
I developed a model for an existing building in conjunction with an onsite energy audit. In addition to completing an energy analysis and simulation, we are required to develop peak hourly heating and cooling loads for potential design of a GSHP system. The building uses 5 AHUs each with chilled water coils for cooling and hot water coils for heating. Additionally, there are fin tube radiators around most of the perimeter of the building. My goal is to disaggregate the ventilation portion of the peak heating load from the baseboard portion of the peak heating load. My research online and combing of forums indicates that disaggregating ventilation loads using eQuest is not a simple process. My initial thought was that if I can determine my hourly baseboard heating loads, I can estimate that the ventilation load accounts for the rest of the building's hourly heating load. However, after running an hourly simulation, I noticed that the heating coil load on the CIRCULATION-LOOPs that serve the fin-tube radiators show 0s from 1 AM - 6 AM. To verify this, I added "Zones" into my hourly simulation and noticed the same issue-0 "Baseboard heat output to zone (Btu/hr)" during hours from 1 AM - 6 AM.
On the Air-Side, the baseboards are controlled via "Outdoor Reset", and I verified that the reset schedule at the system level wouldn't preclude the baseboards from running during those hours. On the Water-Side, I verified that the boiler is in operation during those hours via a boiler schedule and that the actual HW loop serving the baseboards is in operation during those hours via a baseboard loop schedule as well. Based on the OA temp and the zone temperature (which is below the heating throttling range), the fin tube radiators should be operating per the model (and that's also how they operate the building in real life, as well).
I've seen the folks on this board provide some excellent advice and insight to other posters, so I hope you can do the same for me here! I'd appreciate if anyone can provide some insight as to why they think the fin tube radiators are showing 0 between 1 AM and 6 AM but seem to operate fine during the rest of the day. If you have any questions about the model or need more information, I am more than happy to oblige.
Scott Burger BEAP | Energy Engineer | scott.burger at
855 Route 146, Suite 210, Clifton Park, NY | 12065 | USA
T. +1 518 250 7261 | F. 518 371 2757
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