Hi All,
I'm having an issue and I'm wondering if anyone has had this, or if there
are any fixes. I have a model that used furnaces and DX that I was
converting to 4-pipe, and it crashes when I add system in the water side
HVAC tab, and also crashes if I add systems in text editor, and click on
the tab when I open it. I'm working in the 7175 version and DOE 2.3,
because I eventually want to make a VRF version of the model.
Let me know, thanks!
*Austin Selvig *| *Consultant* | *613.552.1753* | *selvig at posteritygroup.ca
*43 Eccles St. 2nd Floor, Ottawa, ON* | *posteritygroup.ca
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Posterity Group will be closed on Fridays. Have a great summer!