The equest user are less and less?

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It seems that the eQUEST users are less and less,all of you have swited to EnergyPlus?

Yongqing Zhao
Changsha Green Building & Energy Saving Technology CO.,LTD
NO.438,Shaoshan Road,Changsha,Hunan,China
Email:zhaoyongqing1987 at
503271081 at

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Joined: 2016-07-15
Reputation: 400

The number of subscribers to the eQUEST-users mailing list
grew from its origin in 2008 to almost 2000 members in
2013. The number of members fluctuates but has stayed at
about that same level since that time.


via Equest-users's picture
Joined: 2016-07-15
Reputation: 400