eQuest not properly translating AutoCAD import

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Has anyone ever ran into an issue (using either eQuest 3.64 or 3.65) with
importing a CAD file and eQuest having trouble translating the lines

I've attached an image which shows eQuest's version of my CAD file on the
left and my actual CAD file on the right. If you look closely, you'll see
several deviations between eQuest line and CAD lines...eQuest seems to be
mis-shaping my zones (for example, the top line should be a straight line
all the way along, but eQuest has added a different angle to the line on
the top left zone).

Anyone seen this and found a fix for this?

If it matters, my CAD file is DXF 2000 format (but I've also tried other
formats with the same results).


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