equest crashes

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This is the most unstable program I have ever tried to use.
We have a new work station that we put EQ into, When we try to open an existing program we get an error and the program crashes. If we open the file on another (networked) computer, we can then open the file and it will run, sometimes. When we try to save the file on the first computer it will not do it. Three re-installs did not help.
I just put four hours in inputting data into 26 shells, (different computer)I saved the file after each shell and had no error reports, I went to run the simulation and got an error that said I had 4 file violations and it will not run.
What helps is lots of RAM, and exit all those little TSR's in the tray at the bottom of the screen. Don't run another program when using EQ. Even in the background.

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