Energy Cost Budget Data

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I am working on Two story Correctional facility with 260 inmates, location- Baltimore,

Building foot print - 18700 ft2

Good envelop of- Rwall - 21, Rroof-40, Uwin-0.29, SC-0.4 (not much fenestration)

Equipment used - 

One RTU - 12.5 ton (4000 cfm, 12 EER)

Two Heating and Ventilation unit ( 280 output MBH, 6000 cfm)

Three Heat pump ( 16 SEER, 2 ton)

Low w/sft for lighting. 

Below is the attached file of final output, 

Does these output make sence, I was expecting low saving, but it turns out to be high. Can anyone suggest me if these data doesnot make sence, 

Thank you 


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Joined: 2011-11-14
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