SS-F & SS-G output reports

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Dear all -

I have been reviewing several reports for design day loads and wonder what everyone's experience with using equest to evaluate load calculations?
I know in the past that several comments have been made stating that equest should not be used to do HVAC heat load calculations. Is this the general agreement of the sim fellowship? I know LS-B reports are problematic because they do not have ventilation loads. Do the SS-F & SS-G reports provide any further insight to system sizing based on design day? I had thought previously that the energy model (SV-A report) calculates equipment size and energy use based on random selection of weather data. Are the SS-F and SS-G reports good tools for determining the (design) system capacity? Do they include a design day heat load and ventilation?

Thank you so much.

Kevin J. Kyte, PE BEMP LEED (r) AP

Kevin Kyte2's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 2

Can eQuest be used for load calcs? Probably, sure... I can mow my lawn with a machete too =)!

More directly, I personally would not opt to use eQuest for the express or concurrent purpose of performing load calculations for equipment sizing. I would universally end up spending less time & effort using software developed and intended for that purpose (your mileage may vary), but perhaps more importantly, separately determined equipment sizing calculations are one of the best resources I've come across for QC'ing and correcting the assumptions of a model vs. typical mechanical design assumptions.

Substantiating load calcs against my energy models falls squarely within my bubble of typical coordination/QC efforts. Particularly, I like to start with a check of total heating/cooling capacities, supply air, and OA sums, first at the system level then at the zonal level. Zonal checks, and corresponding space occupancy/scheduling tweaks, are not uncommonly necessary to get VAV systems operating just as intended with specified capacities, in my experience. Large discrepancies between the model and sizing calcs has also revealed errors/omissions in the load calcs, on occasion. Most this can be done from the airside summary reports, jumping into the inputs & select reports on a case-by-case basis as needed. When I do jump to reports to review loads in more detail, I often start with the loads summary (LS) series of reports. The "detailed simulation reports summary" accessible through the help menu gets further into what's covered where, for reference.

Interested to hear if others have pushed the eQuest envelope further in this arena...

Best regards,


Nick-Caton's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 805

More like John Deere rider vs Bush Hog!

It's got a lot more than you need to mow the lawn at your house.

DSE Mobile

David Eldridge's picture
Joined: 2012-05-08
Reputation: 1