Output of Space cool consumption comes in negative

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I have a problem regarding the equest output & I need your help so that I
can complete the project on time.

At the first step to remove the proposed case unmet hours,i have increased
the cfm of same zone by diverting the cfm of other zone which is having
zero unmet hour, in order to maintain the design CFM of particular system
throughout the model.

After simulate the model, the unmet hour of same zone has been reduced
without affecting the zone from where the CFM was diverted, but the output
of space cool consumption comes in negative. I have attached the pics of
before & after the simulation of monthly energy consumption graph.

For your information, this is the hospital project consist of ground+7
floors+3 basements and for cooling & heating, there are two water cooled
screw chiller, two hot water generator are used on site.

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