Heat Recovery Control

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I'm trying to model a heat recovery device on a 100% OA VAV unit. The
supply air temperature setpoint is a constant 55 F throughout the year. To
maximize the savings, we will be locking out the heat recovery when the
outside air is between 55 and 72 F. When the outside drybulb is less than
55, we will have pre/re-heat savings, and when the outside drybulb is
greater than 72 we will have sensible cooling savings. The closest control
scheme that I can find to this in eQuest is to set ERV-RUN-CTRL = "OA
Exhaust DT", set ERV-RECOVER-MODE = "OA Cooling" and OA-EXHAUST-DT = 0.
But unfortunately, this will not pick up the heating savings.

Does anyone know of a better way to model this control?


Aaron Powers2's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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