ASHRAE 90.1 - 2007 System 7 HVAC model

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Dear all,

I?m new on the simulation energy business, and right now the firm I?m
working for is trying to achieve a LEED certification for a 10,000 m?
(107,000 ft?), 9 floor manufacturing and office building plant. I?ve never
worked on anything like this earlier and this is the first time that the
firm has take on a job like this, so there is no previous experience to
relay on.

Due to the building characteristics for the baseline I?m required to model
the HVAC system as a system type 7, VAV with reheat, according to table
G3.1.1B of the ASHRAE 90.1 -2007 code. This type of modeling has many
specific requirement such as those indicated on paragraphs G3.1.2.10 to
G3.1.3.15 (those who apply for the type 7 system).

My question for you would be, does anyone of you now of a good tutorial,
training course, case study or guide which I could take as a good example
for this specific kind of modeling? I?ve read many threads on this forum
regarding the specific modeling items, and I have advanced in a 80% of the
modeling, I?ve already modeled the geometry, interior lights and loads,
schedules etc, the only item missing is the HVAC model.

I?m afraid I?m too inexperienced and this type of modeling can be a very
serious item on the LEED review, so any help you could give me VERY MUCH

Thanks for your kind responses and help.

Miguel A. Berm?dez

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Joined: 2013-04-25
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