Energy Modeling and BIM

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Dear Bldg-Sim List Subscribers,
More food for thought and discussion: One session that will be featured at
the ASHRAE Energy Modeling Conference is a discussion of Energy Modeling
and BIM - or Bridging the Gaps Between BIM and Simulation.

How many of you are or have adopted some form of BIM authoring
tool/software in your practice?
If so, what have been your two or three most significant challenges in
adopting the technology?
Have you made the move to integrating energy modeling and design analysis
(lighting, daylighting, CFD, etc.) with your BIM's?
If so, what has been your personal experience - difficult, easy, useful,
not useful, too early, not enough tools that work together yet, etc.
Have you created any smart BIM object for use in analytic applications
outside the BIM authoring tool? If so, how did that go?
How could ASHRAE or some other professional association or standards
writing body help make integration and interoperability better?
Thanks in advance for considering my questions.

M. Dennis Knight, P.E.

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Joined: 2012-11-12
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