EE4: Boiler/Cooling Tower Set Points, and Max Heating COP

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Hello All,

I had a couple questions that I was hoping someone could clear up for me.

1) Boiler and Cooling Tower Set points: The boiler set point states
its range from 32 ?F ? 100 ?F. But the program will not run if the set point
is over 65 ?F. Has anybody encountered this before? Is this normal or
should I be able to have a higher value? For the cooling tower, is there a
place where I can input the set points?

2) Max Heating COP: In the building tree under the Zone Level and in
the Mechanical Tab I can set the heating COP. It says in the EE4 Help Guide
that I should be able to set this value as high as 10. But the program will
not let me input anything higher than 8. Again, is this normal and has
anyone else experienced this? I am trying to model a hybrid heat pump;
therefore I would like to input the highest COP possible.

Please let me know if anyone can shed some light on the issues I?ve
expressed above. Thank you in advance.


Justin Elkin

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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