E+ Version 7 CEN adaptive comfort model question

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Hi, all,

I'm from the high performance group in Gatech led by Prof. Augenbroe and I
have a question about the E+ Version7 new feature which uses CEN adaptive
comfort model for NV control.

I have investigated within E+ and confirmed with E+ support team that in
airflow network scheme, if we use the CEN adaptive comfort model for NV
control, the program is intentionally looking for a temperature set-point
schedule and the documentation is lagging to explain this.

So my question is: If I use airflow net work model with CEN adaptive
comfort model for NV control in E+, what kind of * temperature set-point
schedule *should I define for this?* *Or what is the right way of using
this new feature in E+?

It would be really helpful if anyone could help me on this, thanks very


Qinpeng Wang

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