Double Exterior Facade Modeling

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Hi All,

We are working on an office building project in which there are two fa?ade
i.e. exterior and interior fa?ade. Between these two there is an air gap
with intelligent buffer on top which can be opened and closed. As to get the
effective U value of the wall we have to consider the air gap and exterior
fa?ade also. During summer the intelligent buffer remain open which cause
air flow in the gap hence at that time the heat transfer rate will be more
and during winter the intelligent buffer will be closed which causes no air
flow in the gap hence at that time the heat transfer will be less. As in
both conditions the effective U value will vary.
This is a LEED model where currently our thought is to make one model (with
buffer open) for summer season and another model with buffer closed for
winter season. But only one ASHRAE baseline model. Is this the best approach
or is there a better one?

Chetan Bhoj

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