[Equest-users] Modelling comparison to the new OBC SB-10

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OBC SB-10 offers three paths for compliance (see Division 3,

(a) - MNECB performance path - show more than 25%
savings over the MNECB, no changes to the EE4
generated model required. Note, there are no
modifications to the MNECB required.

(b) - exceed ASHRAE 90.1-2010 by 5%. This is the
performance path, following 90.1-2010, Section 11
with the modifications specified in Chapter 2 of SB-10.

(c) - meet the ASHRAE 90.1-2010 prescriptive path
(with SB-10 Chapter 2 modifications).

If following the ASHRAE path make sure the
project meets the mandatory requirements. For
example, Section 9.4, Lighting controls - all
kinds of occupancy sensors required where the
would not be if following the MNECB path.

If you are following the MNECB path, make it
quick. The Ministry is working to get software
for following the ASHRAE envelope trade off
method. As well, canQuest is due out any day
now and once it has been beta tested and
approved, the MNECB and EE4 will be dropped from the OBC.

>> Christopher Jones, P.Eng.

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