EnergyPlus Licensing Changes

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EnergyPlus Licensing has changed.

Please see the full description at:

An excerpt from the website:

EnergyPlus? licenses are intended to encourage
the use, improvement, and widespread adoption of
EnergyPlus. Following is information about the
licensing framework for EnergyPlus versions
starting at 7.0, which differs from previous versions in three major ways:
* No fee executable distribution license.
There are no fees for use or distribution of
EnergyPlus in executable form. You may use the
EnergyPlus executable (either the standalone
application or the library), combine it with
other programs, and redistribute it (as either a
desktop application or a web application), for
any purpose (commercial or otherwise) free of
charge. Use of this license requires that you
refer to the specific EnergyPlus version as "EnergyPlus vX."
* Open source license. For the first time,
EnergyPlus is available under an open source
license. Under this license, which is modeled
after the Mozilla Public License (MPL) V1.1, you
may obtain EnergyPlus source code, modify it,
combine it with other software that is licensed
under different terms, distribute it, and
re-license it. The license is "weak copyleft" in
that it covers only EnergyPlus and its
modifications going forward. Code that is
combined with EnergyPlus is not affected. This
license requires that you distribute the source
code for EnergyPlus modifications and that you
refer to the EnergyPlus component of your
distribution as "a modified version of EnergyPlus
vX." You may remove the "modified" designation by
obtaining prior written permission from Berkeley
Lab. As with any open source license, there is no fee.
* Less restrictive commercial source license.
The revised commercial source distribution
license has been relaxed to permit sub-licensing
of proprietary modifications to EnergyPlus. Under
this license, you may obtain EnergyPlus source
code, modify it, combine it with other software
that is licensed under different terms,
distribute it, and re-license it. Unlike the open
source license, you are not required to make your
modified EnergyPlus source code available; you
retain exclusive control over these
modifications. You are still required to refer to
your copy of EnergyPlus as "modified." In the new
licensing framework, this is the only license
that requires a fee: $10,000 US for the first
licensed version and $3,000 for major version
updates. Very few scenarios should require this
license; the open source license should suit most
purposes. The fee attached to this license is
intended to encourage use of the open source
license, while providing additional rights in cases where they may be needed.

Bug fixes, maintenance releases, and minor
version releases of EnergyPlus will be made
available to existing EnergyPlus licensees at no
additional charge on an "if and when available"
basis. Obtaining a future major version release
of EnergyPlus will require a new license. The
licensing scheme and fee schedule is subject to change for future versions.

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Joined: 2011-10-02
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