Custom weather file in bin format

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Hi all,

This question was probably asked before, but couldn?t find it in the

I need to create a custom weather for EE4 or eQUEST (bin format). My
strategy is to use EPW format file and change the values to match our custom
data sheet. I could then use the eQuest Weather Data Processing Utility
Program at :

However, I tried to run the program by changing the directory in
eQ_WthProc.INI. Somehow, there is always an error message that states:
?6.8 is not a valid floating point value?. Does anyone had this problem
before and how to resolve it?.

Otherwise, is there any other way to create a custom weather file to be used
in EE4 or eQUEST?


Marc-Antoine Paquin, ing.

Marc-Antoine Paquin's picture
Joined: 2011-10-02
Reputation: 0

Hi there!

eQ_WthProc is my weapon of choice. I've found it possible to successfully convert EPW files without modifications... have you successfully converted an unmodified EPW before? If so, that may help isolate whether your edits are or aren't a possible source.

I found a single reference to a "floating point" error - perhaps Susan's solution helps?: Note her referenced screenshot is the .jpg link you can find at the bottom.

That .ini file / directory structure fix referenced is something I had to go through as well to use this tool at all, if you haven't already. This tool is very handy, but maybe should be labeled "some assembly required" =).


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