Diferents result with differents U-value in Weather 2A

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Hi all,
I am new using eQuest, I made a model in the DDWizard.
When I use a high performance glass U-value = 0.31, I got less efficiency than when I modeled using an U-value =0.70, and the difference is about 4%, using enegyPlus, that is the program that I have been using for a year show me differences in less than 0.5% selecting diferents U-value because the range of temperatures is between 15-29 in a whole year in my country)

PDta: This is my first model using eQuest (I have another model that a friend gave me, I change the wheater and model with both performance of glasses and I got same result, So, I think that the problem is in my model)

Someone ran into with this problem?
Any help will be appreciate,

I have been using the sim file to figure out the problem but I could not find indoor temperatures in each space.

Dante Garcia
LEED Green Associate

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