Hi eQuest Users,
Recently I am doing a factory model, which is pursuing LEED NC 2009. The
building have workshop, warehouse and office. Part of the workshop have
only ventilation fans. The other part of workshop and warehouse have only
natural ventilation. I understand that ASHRAE 90.1
judge whether a space is conditioned or unconditioned by sensible output
capacity. Then, in order to get this sensible output capacity, should I
assume all the workshop and warehouse as cooled space and heated space, run
the model and get a virtual capacity? Is this a reasonable way?
Here I attach a pervious comments from another factory, which only have
heating in winter, no cooling in summer. Wish to get some good idea from
you! Thanks!
The narrative description of the Proposed design indicates that the only
the office area is provided with mechanical cooling, but it is
unclear if the heated only spaces qualify as conditioned space as defined
in Section 3. If the heating output capacity is greater than or
equal to 10 Btu/hour/square foot then the space is considered conditioned
so cooling should be included in the Baseline and Proposed
case models. The cooling should be modeled using the Baseline cooling
system type (System Type 7) in both the Baseline and
Proposed model using identical cooling capacity ratios and efficiencies in
the Baseline and Proposed case. If the heating output
capacity is less than 10 Btu/hour/square foot, then the space is considered
semi#heated or unconditioned, so only heating equipment
should be included in the Proposed and Baseline models; the heating type,
capacity ratios, fan volume, and fan power for these spaces
should be modeled identically between the Baseline and Proposed case.
Please revise the Proposed model and Baseline model as
needed so the correct system type is modeled in all spaces. Please also
indicate the total heating capacity and building area for semiconditioned
spaces to verify that they qualify as semi-conditioned spaces. In addition,
please update Section 1.2 - Table EAp2-1 and
Table 1.4.2 as needed reflecting the changes. (heating output of 10 Btu/h
per square foot or more) and represents the predominant
condition. Please revise the Baseline model as required to use System Type
7 to serve all areas that represent the predominant
condition and a separate System Type 3 for each thermal zone in the offices
that only operate 40 hours per week.