Cooling Control Throttling Range? Tmin?

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I am confused as to what Tmin corresponds to within the cool control
range field. Below is the equest description:


Throttling range of the cooling coil controller. It equals Tmax - Tmin
where Tmax is the temperature of the coil when it is fully loaded and
Tmin is the temperature of the coil when it is fully unloaded.

Here is my current setup:

System: Central Plant CHW service with three way valves serving the
cooling coils. Assigned a deltaT of 12degF even though this varies
throughout the year.

Tmax: 40.1degF during summer (temps varies throughout year but this is
the lowest observed temp )


I tried varying this range from zero all the way up to the deltaT of 12.
A range of zero seems to make the model to more closely match the
utility data for this building. But, until I fully understand what Tmin
is, I cannot definitely say a range of zero is appropriate.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Michael Jochman

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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