Dear Steve,
As instructed we attached the input and weather files.
The ?Tcond convergence failure? error arises when we include the
electric-screw chillers, the real ones put in the building. We also attach
the ?ATTN Simulation Messages For Review HVAC?.
When you load it an error arises and the simulation could not be preformed.
You delete the two ?FOCS WATER 7204? Chillers. Save the change. Create the
Chillers again. Run the simulation, it runs without problem is when at the
report that the problem arises.
If you could advise us on how to solve it an finalize modeling.
Best Regards,
Aurelio Ram?rez Zarzosa
LEED-SP, LEED Service Provider
Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos
Avenida de Europa, 14
Parque Empresarial La Moraleja
28108 - Alcobendas
Madrid, (Spain)
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tel.+34 911 890 523
fax.+34 917 660 444
e-mail. aramirez at
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Miembro Fundador del/Founding Member: Consejo Construcci?n Vede Espa?a
(Spain Green Building Council) desde/since 1998.
USGBC Docs1410
Miembro del/Member: U.S. Green Building Council desde el/since 2000.
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