Chiller Plant Analyser/Inputting an Existing Load Profile

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I am facing a weird problem when trying to input an existing load profile into the Chiller Plant Analyser Software. I am following the instructions published in the user manual under Chapter 6, Advanced usage and general modelling tips, Inputting an existing load profile. There are 18 steps to do this correctly, to my understanding, i passed the first 15 steps sucessfully (refer to attached file 1 and file 2). At the end of step 15, the spread sheet shall open when I press next button but what happen actually is when I press next button a browse screen opened (refer to attached file 3), this screen is opened to browse in the folder C:CDS\Trace700\Projects\ But I did not find the file to open as expected; refer to attached file 3. If I typed the name of the file in the file name space which I wana open which is in my case is "New Egypt Project_Profiles.CSV", the name of the file appears in the drop down list (refer to attached file 4). But when I choose the file to open, the error message shown in attached File 5 appears. When I try to open the file from outside the software, I success in openeing it but after I edit the file with my known wxisting values and trying to save it, another message appears, refer to attached file 6. Also if I try to save the file with CSV format, the same message appears(file 6). Kindly advise what to do on this problem?


Amgad Khattab

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