Welcome to the energy-models.com 32 tips in TRACE 700. Let's start with 10 things you should do in TRACE 700.
Trane TRACE 700 DOs
Do 1: TRACE 700 File Names
The first thing that you should do is always use short and precise file names. If the file name is over 15 characters you can't archive it. Worse if you try and archive a file over 15 characters, you can crash TRACE 700 and lose all of you data. Usually just it's an annoyance, but it's not worth the risk of a file crash. So stick to a file name protocol such as the file name, and perhaps dates.
We'll cover archiving in a little, but first thing that you do when you create a file is give it name. So that is number 1.
Always Create Templates
Always, always, always create templates first. It is often tempting to say “I’ll go back and create them” - which seems reasonable, but it always ends up being more work – I’ve learned this the
hard way myself. Especially focus on creating your Room templates effectively, as this will make
creating rooms much easier. We walk through this in the example case study that you all signed
up for.
Re-use Thermostat and Construction Templates
Speaking of creating templates in the case study. Remember to Re-use thermostat and construction templates when creating room templates. Most buildings only have 1-2 construction sets. While you can reuse any of the first 4 template types when creating room templates, it is most common to reuse thermostat and construction templates.
Number All Rooms Systems and Plants
Number all rooms systems and plants, in large files especially and give them appropriate names. My advice would be to start the name with a number and then give the name. In small files, an appropriate name is good enough, since you may only have 1 or 2 systems. This makes assigning Systems to Plants seem intuitive. However, if you don’t give appropriate names, assigning systems to plants can take 10x longer
Use TRACE 700 System Schematic
Speaking of systems - When selecting system types. Most users simply rely on the initial graphic for clarification. But, do not forget to use the “System Schematic” – which is a larger image, but is more importantly a LABELED image. One of the common confusion points is which coil is the Main Coil in a VAV system. This isn’t a problem if you look at the system schematic.
Sorting in TRACE
Giving systems and rooms good names helps a lot more if sorted appropriately. TRACE can in fact sort alphabetically. This has become more well known in recent years, but it isn’t the most obvious feature, and it can make modeling 10x easier. In small files, it is not an issue, but it becomes more and more relevant when the file gets larger. If you have numbered your rooms – this is especially important.
Along the lines of this, feature – you can always find a room in your file through the search function in Assign rooms to systems.