Building : Whole life cost LCA

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Dear Building modellers,

After years of development, we are happy to present you our building sustainability assessment solution : Cub2D Software.
The concept is to calculate whole life cost, carbon footprint, Embodied Energy, ReCiPe, Welfare, Risks,... from one unique model.

You are welcome to try it freely on and to take a look at our video presentation.

We would like to develop a kind of "community" for the improvement of this "Cub2D approach", so we are looking for beta-tester for our future functionalities :

? Revit and Sketchup plugins and more...

? green building frameworks adaptation Breeam, Leed, HQE, DGNB,...

? consultation,

? ...
If your are interested in our concept and wish to become a beta-tester partner please contact us, beta-testers will access freely and permanently to the application (we are looking for at least one by country).

Please email us for more details.

Regards - Durablement,

Julien Poullot
Directeur associ?

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Si?ge :
2, rue Alain Bombard
T?l. : 33 (0)2 40 85 50 56
Mobile : 33 (0)6 82 92 75 52
Fax : 33 (0)2 40 85 50 69
P N'imprimez qu'en cas de n?cessit? !
Merci pour la plan?te.
bv Privil?gier les transports doux ou collectifs
HF Economiser l'?nergie

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Joined: 2014-11-07
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