Public Beta Release of the Simergy GUI for EnergyPlus

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[Apologies for cross-posting]

The Public Beta Release of Simergy, a free Graphical User Interface
(GUI) for EnergyPlus, is now available for downloading at . The review and
feedback period is scheduled to be complete in late 2012 and the release
of version 1 is planned for January 2013. Simergy runs under Microsoft
Windows and requires a high resolution wide screen for effective use.

Key Features of Simergy include:

-Loop level HVAC System Templates

-Drag and drop component-level editing of HVAC systems to adapt
templates and build custom systems

-Geometry options

oimport IFC and gbXML (gbXML in version 1)

obuild your own geometry from base shapes or

obuild custom geometry by tracing over 2D plans (dwg/dxf) or drawing
free form

-Create and work with multiple design alternatives within the same file

-Predefined reports and interactive visualization of EnergyPlus output

-Training and support material, including links to EnergyPlus
documentation (updates will be posted as further content is developed).

Simergy shields the user from dealing with coordinate geometry and with
HVAC node names; it is a productivity aid for design practitioners. We
expect that this will encourage more use of EnergyPlus by making it
quicker and easier to use. However, Simergy still requires some
knowledge of EnergyPlus, particularly in this beta-testing phase. The
target audience for version 1 of Simergy is mechanical engineers, energy
modelers, and other technical consultants.

We strongly encourage users to review the ?10 Things to Know? page on
the web site, read the ESSENTIAL READING file and study the written
documentation and the videos before using Simergy. Additional
information will be added to the website in the coming days.

Since this is a beta release, we ask that you give us feedback on your
experience with the tool, using a simple formon the web-site (to be
activated shortly)that links to our issue managementsystem. We would
also like to hear your suggestions for enhancements - please email them
to simergy-feedback at .

The development of Simergy is supported by US DOE, California Energy
Commission, Infosys Technologies, Trane and Hydro-Quebec. The
development team consists of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Digital Alchemy, Infosys Technologies, Trane and Hydro-Qu?bec.

Philip Haves

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Joined: 2011-10-02
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