Weather file for remote location

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Hi Everyone,

I am trying to find a weather file for Mbale Uganda and was wondering what
the best approach would be.

I know that Meteonorm can provide me with a weather file that will be an
interpolation of 6 locations. Specifically, *"Meteonorm interpolates
radiation with help of satellite data (DWD CMSAF for this region) and
temperature and other parameters with help of ground measurements. In case
of Mbale it uses : KISUMU (145 km), Eldoret (137 km), NAKURU (260 km), Meru
(402 km), Nairobi/Jomo Kenyatt (404 km), Garissa (630 km)"*

I also see that IES, that uses Weather Analytics, can provide data for
virtually any location, but they are not saying - or I didn't find - how
they calculate them.

What would you recommend as the best approach to that?

I appreciate your input


Mili Kyropoulou

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