the use of dynamic energy simulation tool

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Dear Deuk-Woo,

Here are a few comments on your questions:

1. To get energy efficiency incentives, such as LEED certificate.

2. To compare alternatives (wall material, window, building design) in architect point of view.

3. To compare alternatives (system type and configuration, COP, etc.) in mechanical engineer point of view.

For Items #1 - 3, EQUEST, EP+ or TRNSYS will do. In the U.S. EQUEST is the most widely used by the AE community. Note, for most of these simulations an hourly simulation will do, which is not a true dynamic simulation.

4. To develop energy efficient control strategies and to test DDC controllers. (BEMS and emulation; maybe electric engineering field or ??)

For this you'll need MATLAB and a true dynamic simulation platform (i.e., it usually needs 1 sec or less time steps and true dynamic equations). Many of the U.S. controls companies have developed extensive tools for this, including Modelica/Dymola platforms. However, they do not distribute these outside their own companies. MATLAB is fast becoming a platform of choice, perhaps because most universities teach with it. There are other platforms as well, check with your local ME or EE controls Prof. Some that come to mind are HVACSiM+ (by George Walton at NIST).

5. To identify the system mal-function (such as AHU) comparing between ?predicted? energy and ?actual? energy in real-time. (BEMS, maybe electric engineering field??)

This is a tough one. LBNL and PNNL have been working on this for some time. PNNL has their AHU fault detection program, and other programs. LBNL has their controls test bed up and running. You might also check with the Chair of ASHRAE TC 7.5 to see what the latest RPs for controls simulation. This TC has most of the knowledgable folks on it (which does not include me).

6. Building Simulator: which is used to training building managers or operators or learners (students) in HVAC system operation realistically (such as flight simulator)

Check out Joe Deringer's LEARNHVAC web page...just amazing...there is also other emulator work at LBNL that Phil Haves and Michael Wetter are doing.

7. To ?JUST? verify Building behavior (HVAC operation, energy consumption, etc) over the whole year period with different whether conditions in IWEC and TMY. (to see "what could be")

This can be done with forward models (i.e., simulation) or inverse models (i.e., ASHRAE RP1050), or a combination of both. You can also use component models such as those available from ASHRAe (HVAC01 and HVAC02 toolkit, RP865, RP827, etc).

There are other proprietary tools that diagnose HVAC problems, some have published results, some not. You'll find lots of papers (apx., 3 - 5,000) on our Lab's web site about our commissioning work, which includes air-side simulation as a diagnostic.

Hope this helps.

Jeff S. Haberl, Ph.D.,P.E., FASHRAE

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