App G Baseline WSHP w Boiler Injection

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One additional piece of information I am interested in is the handling
of Section G3.1.2.10 Exhaust Air Energy Recovery. In the actual design a
10,000 CFM ERV will be serving all the corridor spaces (9 in total).
This unit will be 100% OA with energy recovery.

Section G3.1.2.10 states that systems over 5,000 CFM require modeling
energy recovery in the baseline. So it would seem I need to model energy
recovery on the PTAC serving the corridor(s). Right? To do this I would
actually be modeling a Packaged Rooftop Unit with the efficiencies of a
PTAC because it's not easy to implement heat recovery on a PTAC in

The one twist to this is that in the 90.1 2007 Addendum w it states:

G3.1.2.10 Exhaust Air Energy Recovery


Exceptions: If any of these exceptions apply, exhaust air

energy recovery shall not be included in the baseline

building design.


i. Systems serving dwelling units in multifamily buildings.

The corridor is not a dwelling unit, but it was worth pointing that
addendum note out.

Alan Jackson, LEED AP

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