Absorption Chiller + Baseboard Heating with Steam Power

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Hi all,

I'm a new eQUEST user and am a little confused about how to set up my model. I've searched through the archives as a starting point but could use some advice specific to this project. First let me describe what I'm trying to model and then I'll describe what I've done and my questions.

The building has an absorption chiller, a standard VAV system and radiators around the perimeter. Finally, the building purchases steam to provide heating (both VAV heating and baseboard heating) as well as to power the absorption chiller. The purpose of modeling the building is to compare a "good, better, best" set of windows and their impact on energy consumption (I don't think this will be difficult as I've set parametric runs like this up before).

I started in DD wizard and set up my footprint, envelope, loads and the standard shell parameters. The zoning I've used is a simple perimeter+core. I have an ok grasp of the building modeling, it's the HVAC system modeling that I have trouble with.

When I finished my building parameters, I added a second air-side system which is HW baseboards (the first is the standard VAV w/ HW reheat).

This has led to my first question: Can a zone have both VAV conditioning and baseboard heating? It seems as though when I set a zone to have both systems, the baseboards become turned off. Which leads to my second question: If I can't have VAV cooling in the perimeter, do I need to set my vertical walls to "air (none)"?

So far, so good: everything is still working. The last step I do is to enter the detail data edit, under Water Side HVAC I create a Steam Meter and place it on my hot water loop. Then I delete my boilers and appear to be set, I can simulate and everything.

This leads to my third question: I'm not sure what the best way to check that my system is performing as expected. Additionally, I've looked through the archives and read the emails you all send around (VERY helpful BTW, thanks!) and this just seems to easy. I've attached my inp file, hopefully that help. Thanks for reading through this massive email.

Alex Krickx

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