7 Tips for Writing a Shiny Resume for Solar Energy Jobs
If you are interested in green energy projects, a solar energy job could be one of the best options for you. According to the report by the U.S. Department of Energy, last year (2016), solar power industry had employed 43 percent of the whole Electric Power Generation sector’s workforce. Finding a job in this niche is not only a noble choice but also a smart one and there is plenty evidence that easily found online.
However, wanting to work in this sector isn’t enough to get a job there. You actually have to tailor your resume to the desired niche and job position in order to look more appealing to the potential employees. Doing so could be as challenging as coming up with a proposal example, but hopefully, you’ll be able to do it with the help of our tips.
So here’s what you can do to make a resume for solar energy jobs look more appealing:
1. Think about your objective.
Before you apply for any job you have to understand why you need this in the first place. What’s so special about you and how can your skills benefit a certain company you like?
Identifying your main objective is the first step towards resume creation. It will help you understand what skills to highlight (if you already have some experience in the industry) or what skills to tailor to the position (if you don’t have any experience yet).
2. Think about your potential employers’ objective as well.
While all green companies are different, they usually want to hire people with the similar set of skills and career goals. You shouldn’t forget about the specifics of the industry: it’s still quite new and most of the companies are still startups who cannot afford to hire many employees yet need to deliver certain results over a short time period. This means they are looking for people with quite diverse skill sets, who can perform successfully in multiple roles.
There are probably also some additional expectations depending on the position you’re applying for. You should think about them as well and try to meet them with the help of your resume.
3. Include keywords.
There’s a big chance that recruiters are going to seek potential candidates online using various keywords. If you identify these keywords and include them in your resume, you’ll be able to get on top of the search results.
Of course, the keywords are different for every position, but they aren’t hard to figure out. And using them can really boost your resume.
4. Highlight your technical skills.
While this isn’t a rule, there are still many green companies working in the industries related to science and technology. This means that such companies are looking for people with strong technical skills, who are able to perform well in these industries. If you indeed have some impressive or strong technical skills, it would be good to highlight them on your resume.
5. Don’t forget to mention your certifications.
Sure, not all companies and job positions require you to show what you learned and achieved - too many of them your experience and skill sets are more important. However, since we’re talking about the green companies, showing off your certifications can be useful. There’s a list of them that are especially valued in the industry: engineering licenses, project management, environmental design, and energy certifications. And if you have a hard time composing a resume and organizing your certifications properly, you can always turn to essay writing services for help.
6. Monitor the industry.
Lucky for you, there are plenty of ways to do so without spending much time: you can create RSS feeds from related blogs and websites, subscribe to Twitter accounts of the top companies in the industry, and so on. You can even ask your friends who work in the industry or are somehow related to it to keep you in touch with the latest news.
Why do you need to do so? Because this way you’ll be able to demonstrate your knowledge of the industry and maybe even grab an opportunity as soon as it appears. For example, one of the fastest ways to learn about a new open position in a certain company is via this company’s Twitter.
7. Do something to present yourself right.
Just like the internet gives us plenty of opportunities to learn the latest information and to monitor the latest trends, it also allows us to present ourselves in the right way. You can do so by starting a blog about solar energy, by talking to people on Twitter or Facebook, and so on.
While this probably won’t earn you a place in the industry, it will allow you to network and to demonstrate your knowledge to the others. Moreover, things like personal blogs and industry-oriented Twitter accounts can be added to the resume for additional value.
Crafting a perfect resume for solar industry jobs is not only about tailoring your skills and presenting them in the right order. It’s also about being able to research well, to keep in touch with the trends, and to do your best to demonstrate your knowledge of the industry. We wish you good luck with that!
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