Let's face it: There is no current end-all solution to our dependence on fossil fuels. That means, an end-all solution requires imagination and innovation. LEED has recognized the importance of creativity and gives points based on innovation. That was a pretty good idea especially since the HVAC and automobile industry are often criticized for lack of inspiration.
I suppose, collectively, we have been riding the genius of Willis Carrier and Henry Ford for about 100 years, but there hasn't been a need to fix anything (it it ain't broke, don't fix it)
So, despite the missing "end-all" solution - if there is one - there have been some awesome innovations regarding energy efficiency. Let's mention 5 of them
(Warning - None of these go to the automobile industry - don't even argue with me on this - Hybrid cars? whoop-de-doo!...Billions in bailout dollars and they come up with.... the Chevy volt?) :
#5 LED light bulbs
If you look at the light bulb, it was invented only 23 years before the air conditioner (1879 vs 1902). Yet, the technology has changed greatly. LED's seem to be very promising, and are really quite new to the commercial market, plus most of us are grateful for our lightweight and efficient LED TV's. This could easily be listed as #1, because, by the way, LED lights last a very long time.
Magnet's are pretty much the foundation of the Electric revolution. Daikin McQuay came up with a "cool" concept of implementing a levitating bearing to reduce friction and make their chillers more efficient.
Unbelievable unloading. Carrier's Evergreen chillers are top notch with an industry leading .3 KW/ton IPLV
If you have an existing product, why not make it better? That's what Trane did with their earthwise systems. It's an extremely innovative idea, and was built using existing equipment. How cool is that?
Insulation is really important - we all know this, but sometimes you can have too much insulation (think about opening the windows on your house when the weather is "just right") Well, like magically opening windows, there happens to be some new materials that change their insulation properties based on the need of insulation.
This would be #1 if it were more complete. This is the future: Non-motorized air-conditioning! Ben and Jerry's is already using it! This process is truly innovative, as it doesn't piggyback off of the genius of Willis Carrier. Cook, cool and get electricity from 1 device!
As we all know from thermodynamics, heat is a byproduct of almost all processes. Carl Munters utilized this principle and learned how to make "cold" from "hot". (They get #1 because Einstein was amazed by this). Carl Munters died in 1989 with more than 1000 patents (now that is innovation). Fast forward to one of their latest and greatest innovations - using waste heat to control humidity.