Welcome to how to submit GBCI CE hours. We're going to cover an example from energy-models.com. I'm the presenter, Bob Fassbender. We won't spend any time on introductions here and we want to get moving fast. One thing we want to point out is that this course does not really qualify you for GBCI CE hours in itself. The next half hour does not count for .5 CE hours. The course that you may have enrolled in is the example that we're going to cover, and that course is 3 CE hours, and thus it takes approximately 3 hours to complete, or longer. With that said, let's get started.
We're going to start the course immediately with an example, and before we can start our example we need something we can report to GBCI. We're going to start with the course that many of you have enrolled in, and assuming that you've passed it by now, you can go to energy-models.com. When you're logged in, if you go to your username, you can click that in the upper corner, and for whatever courses you've taken and passed the final exam and met all the requirements, your certificates will be available. In this case, we have the LEED for energy modelers certificate available, and if we click download certificate, if you have Internet Explorer it will prompt you to save or open it, and in this case we'll open it. It should have your full name, the date of completion, and so on. We'll keep this open.
The next thing we want to do, and we're already there for practical purposes, but go to GBCI.org. It's pretty simple so far. Then we want to go to my credentials and you just need to log in. It's the same log in that you have as USGBC.org, and if you don't know that then obviously you could reset your password. A lot of people screw up here and they click renew my credentials and what we actually want to do is report or review or CMP activity. I'm a LEED AP BD+C, and I passed the exam pre-2009, so I may have a different set up than some of you. It depends when you pass the exam and what exam you passed. For most of the courses at energy-models.com, they fall under the category of project systems and energy impacts. Here we're going to add review. The activity date is June 22nd or the date that we passed the exam, so whatever date is on the exam, and the end date would be the same. Of course if this took some time, you might report whether or not this took you a month or whatever-- given that the course is on demand. Typically, we can take this 3 hour course within one day. The subcategory is energy performance measurement, though I suppose you could argue that. Activity delivery method-- the course is GBCI approved education. So far, so good. For the activity description, you have to simply just give a two sentence learning objective. So something like that would suffice. The activity details, the course title is right on your certificate, and that's LEED for energy modelers online. Course instructor-- so this is a bit odd because I'm reporting a course that I wrote, which actually I'm not supposed to do but I'll fix this later. You could also include the GBCI course number. Let's just copy that. Event location-- online course. Activity content is LEED specific, and the number of CE hours is three. What we can do from here is go ahead and submit this.
From here, if this was the last thing that you had to enter, you could go ahead and renew my credentials. However, we have a long way to go. We'll want to go to review or add new activity in category four. Another course that we could go ahead and add is a free course-- LEED fan calculations demystified, and so that is a free course that is also one LEED specific CE hour. We don't need to do that, and what we want to do is go back to our credential guide. So, we can go ahead and click return to CMP reporting summary. This will take a second to load, and we will go back to our main page at which point, we should now see that we have three CE hours submitted, total as well as LEED specific.